Being the Light During the Fight

BayStar Family Retreat

Helping Families Find Hope

BayStar Family Retreat is a non-profit, faith-based foundation in the Tampa Bay area. Inspired by Joshua Fisher’s fight with pediatric cancer, Patrick and Jessica Fisher started this foundation in hopes of helping other families in their community that have been affected by pediatric cancer. Their goal to inspire and bring hope to families during these unprecedented times has impacted so many families, and this is just the beginning.

Click below to learn more about Joshua’s story and the inspiration behind the BayStar Family Retreat.

our values

“Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen.” – Hebrews 11:1

“Let your hope make you glad. Be patient in time of trouble and never stop praying.” – Romans 12:12

“A sweet friendship refreshes the soul.” Proverbs 27:9

“Be strong and courageous the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9

“God is the Light, in Him there is no darkness at all.” – 1 John 1:5

"Hope is like a star - not to be seen in the sunshine of prosperity, and only to be discovered in the night of adversity."
Charles Spurgeon

upcoming events

fall 2020

Help us reach our goal of giving 100 amazing moments to our families by donating today!

april 17, 2021

Join us for our inaugural clayshoot April 17, 2021 at the Tampa Bay Sporting Clays sponsored by West Armory! Register to shoot, sponsor the event, or donate to BayStar today!

summer 2021

Come support BayStar Family Retreat for our first Annual 5k and 1 mile run/walk. We will recognize those who are battling cancer and those who are going through treatment right now!

Baystar family retreat receives grant from the Dunkin' Joy in Childhood Foundation

We are so blessed to announce that Baystar Family Retreat has received a generous grant from the Dunkin’ Joy in Childhood Foundation. This grant will help us continue to bring joy at camp experiences in 2021.

the bethard family

We would like to thank Associated Construction Products and the Bethard family for their generous donation to BayStar Family Retreat! Jon And Melissa Bethard and their daughter Makayla were friends with the Fisher family when Josh was diagnosed in 2011.

Windsong charters and boat rental & Gator cleaning

Thank you so much to New Port Richey businesses Windsong Charters and Boat Rental and Gator Cleaning for their generous donations of $3,500 each! You can learn more about their contribution and about our foundation in the news article below!

kendra scott fundraiser

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Shop For Good event at Kendra Scott in Hyde Park Tampa! 20% of all sales that day benefited BayStar!

become a volunteer

youth, teens, students & adults

From hosting a family at a retreat, to running games and activities, there are many ways to get involved with BayStar Family Retreat! All you need to do is fill out an application, or contact us today for more information and to learn about upcoming opportunities!


"Jessica Fisher and her whole team are moving mountains and I am so excited for what God has in store for them. My family is still talking about how wonderful of a weekend it was, and how great it was to just be a normal family instead of "that cancer family". God is good!"
-Skyla Zimmerman D'Autorio
"So, please take my word for it, when I say simply being the D'Autorios is one of the biggest blessings anyone could of given us right now! It was such an AMAZING weekend! 🎗 From a host family helping us unload our car. 💛 To Volunteers helping us with the girls, while unpacking our room. 🎗 To a fully stocked fridge with drinks and a counter full of snacks. 💛 To a goodie basket for the girls. 🎗 To morning Group time with the other cancer parents. 💛 To being paired with 2 of the most AMAZING host families that we could of asked for! Michele Bozza Norton Amee Montgomery Cornett Tony, Nico, Lucea, Ava and Jake. Who gave up their whole weekend to love on US! We had never met any of them before this weekend, but let me tell you, we have some Framily for life! 🎗 To enjoying Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner together as a huge group. Volunteers and Families. 💛 To a Moms spa day for the Cancer mamas! Hello hot stone massage, Manicure and pedicure. Paired with so much laughter! 🎗 To a Dad's golf day for the Dad's. 💛 To a Parents Dinner at Ruth Chris (Yummy!) 🎗 To endless memories, and friendships made that will last a life time. THANK YOU to everyone who made it possible for my Family to go!!!! We are so blessed that we got to be apart of the Baystar Family Retreat, and we cannot wait to go on another one! God is Good!"
-Pediatric Cancer Family
For 3.5 years, cancer wage a war against my family. While we won the war, the trauma is just as real today as it was on March 3, 2014. The scars of the battle still burns inside. Flash back of hospital stays, screaming baby, countless chemo, and needles needles needles are constant images in my mind. As a mom who almost her baby to cancer, I continue to fight to make everyday be better than the day before... BayStar helped our family achieve that goal. They were more than just the light in our "aftermath" fight... they were a breath of fresh air. They gave our family "time"... time that we can never seem to find just to be with our family. Although it was for a moment, in my world, a moment means the world to a family that had to fight cancer for 3.5 years. Thank you Jessica and our retreat family for time.
-Luby Myrthil